Silva, A. N.
Pedagogy graduate by FECLESC/UECE
Abstract: The realization of this work, in accordance with the way as the conscience to reflect the exterior, possibility at man becomes social being. In the middle of primitive collective, the necessaries actions at life, through this reflect, possibilities that man when supply a necessity, improve this action and himself. In this low development, contradict and gradually the man tried explain the nature around himself. With the level low of development in relation to modern science, this primitive being to award at several natures phenomena, a supernatural force, this is the first way of explain the word: the magic. Slowly, the man to noticed that the magic explanations, puts forward of own nature, lose the value. The until at that time looked to dominate through the magic rituals those strangers forces, consider that over those lot of powers, must to exist one that controlled all others. Here, specifically appears the religious position. The man not more controlled the supernatural forces, but to submit himself at this major force. Precisely here is the big difference between one and other. Is over this base that all religions will development. The first religion to state completely was the Judaism, as much the Christianity as the Islamism are derivates indirectly or direct of this first. Mochcovitch (1992), to presenting the Gramsci though about the school, say that all superstructure is subject at the economic model, thus, this religious forms, mainly the Christianity, in the context of the fight by a unanthrophomorfized science and of the explosion of capitalism system, supported in the Saint Thomas Aquino theology, will defend a anthrophomorfic science. This religion position in the actuality, inside of the school, collaborates with the conformism production and with reactionary positions supported by the false science (theology). The actuation of the religious teaching inside of Burguesy School, is a sign that exist strong contribution with the reproduction of the capitalism economic model, deprive the student of a big range of universal knowledge. Thus, this religious teaching, to contribute for a formation of entire men aliened, immerse only in the everyday – mainly under the low capitalism as the Brazilian case.
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